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- Last Updated: Thursday, 09 November 2017 Hits: 20778
Success is a very subjective term, and it doesn’t mean exactly the same thing to two different people. Not knowing how you define success in your life can make the process of becoming successful. “The definition of success to me means doing something that makes you happy, and something that you enjoy. It also means often not taking the path of least resistance, but opening yourself to new challenges that enable you to grow and develop mentally, spiritually and professionally. David Whyte, success coach for Hospitality students. You need to be able to answer the following question: What does success mean to you? Below you’ll find forty phrases–or success statements–that you can mix and match to create your own, unique definition of success. Making the world a better place. The attainment of wealth, awards, status, and power.
The meaning of success depends from person to person as no two persons are same. During a job interview, your interviewer might ask you a question like, 'How do you define/evaluate success?' Remember that by asking you this question, your interviewer is trying to understand your sense of professionalism, your goals, and your overall personality.
Take this as an opportunity for you to demonstrate, through your confident answers and perfect body language, the qualities that the hiring manager is looking for – determination, enthusiasm, team spirit, and a shared collaborative vision during HR Interview.
- No one can impose their version of success on us. No one can tell us what it means to live the good life. It’s easy to assume that success means obtaining a specific object, such as a job or social status, and to believe that if we get that thing, we’ll be successful. But some of the greatest successes resulted from the worst failures.
- Being successful can be looked upon in many different ways, such as being rich, having nice car, good job, or anything to make someone else jealous of what you have. Being successful to me means you accomplished what your goal or goals were. I want to be a successful person by accomplishing the goals I have set for myself in life.
Success is an answer to the hard work and perseverance that I give to perform a task at hand. It is to remind myself once again that I too have the power within. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
Example 2
For me, success is about working hard, doing my job well, driving home satisfaction. I want to be recognized as someone who always gives her best and tries hard to achieve her goals.
Example 3

I evaluate success in myriad ways. At work, it is meeting the goals set by my manager and trying to exceed the customer expectation. When I am not working, I enjoy playing with my niece, so at that time I derive success from the simple pleasures of life.
Example 4
Success, for me, is always about making a difference in other people’s lives. If at the end of the day, my work helps derive customer satisfaction coupled with my learning experience, then I sleep well at night and wake up afresh with a new vigour to take on life’s challenges. In the service industry, this is utmost important.
Example 5
The fact that I have contributed in a significant way to meet the challenges in a dream project by adhering to strict deadlines and quality standards is perfect success to me. I wish to remain hungry for such success always.
Example 6
I would define success at work by what I have learned from the job assignments so far. I believe in prioritising and taking corrective actions as and when necessary from my team. I always want to try new things and seek feedback only to improve myself.
Example 7

My definition of success is independent of the job requirements. I know I have succeeded when I have accomplished my goal, even if that means doing more than is asked. I am always open to any reviews or comments that will help me to improve and yes, I am always open to learning. I believe that a constant thirst for knowledge along with some passion for development is the formula for success.
Example 8
Success is very simple to me – I set up a goal, plan the steps required to achieve it, and then I implement that plan effectively. I attain success once I achieve my goals.
Example 9
To me, success means achieving a challenging goal assigned to me by my manager. It also means sharing those experiences with team members in order to inspire them as well. In my previous position, I had to meet specific sales targets every quarter. I managed to exceed my quarterly targets by 8 percent on an average with constant dedication and hard work. That, for me, was success. I was happy to mentor a junior team mate when he needed that little boost to excel. That is also success to me because the team spirit counts at the end of the day!
Example 10
Applying my expertise and experience to the strategic marketing goals that you have set for this company and building on the already existing success.
Example 11
Success to me means completing a given task on time and feeling happy about it, thinking I could not have done it better! This is not enough though - the results should be great and the people involved should have a memorable experience. For example, in a group project, if only two people out of four performed well, I will not call that success. On the contrary, if there is active participation in the team, where everyone took equal ownership, worked hard to meet the deadline, then that is success.
Things to remember while attempting to answer the question
Remember not to commit these mistakes while you are trying to answer the question, “What does success mean to you? Or, How do you define success?” You can consider the following:
- Do not beat about the bush. The hiring manager want to know about your qualities, tenacity etc. Just stick to what success means to you and what do you to achieve it.
- The idea is to remain calm, focused and to keep your answer short and crisp. Do not carry on with your answer.
- Do not try to over smart by saying that you perfectly measure up to your definition of success. This would be an insane answer.
- Be honest. That always helps.
- Do not focus on money and power. Think objectively and avoid focusing too much on salary figures and job position.
- You should be yourself while answering this question. Do not be dramatic.
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- Last Updated: Thursday, 09 November 2017 Hits: 20778
The meaning of success depends from person to person as no two persons are same. During a job interview, your interviewer might ask you a question like, 'How do you define/evaluate success?' Remember that by asking you this question, your interviewer is trying to understand your sense of professionalism, your goals, and your overall personality.
Take this as an opportunity for you to demonstrate, through your confident answers and perfect body language, the qualities that the hiring manager is looking for – determination, enthusiasm, team spirit, and a shared collaborative vision during HR Interview.
Success is an answer to the hard work and perseverance that I give to perform a task at hand. It is to remind myself once again that I too have the power within. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
Example 2
For me, success is about working hard, doing my job well, driving home satisfaction. I want to be recognized as someone who always gives her best and tries hard to achieve her goals.

Example 3
I evaluate success in myriad ways. At work, it is meeting the goals set by my manager and trying to exceed the customer expectation. When I am not working, I enjoy playing with my niece, so at that time I derive success from the simple pleasures of life.
Example 4
Success, for me, is always about making a difference in other people’s lives. If at the end of the day, my work helps derive customer satisfaction coupled with my learning experience, then I sleep well at night and wake up afresh with a new vigour to take on life’s challenges. In the service industry, this is utmost important.
Example 5
What Does Success Mean To You Job
The fact that I have contributed in a significant way to meet the challenges in a dream project by adhering to strict deadlines and quality standards is perfect success to me. I wish to remain hungry for such success always.
Example 6
I would define success at work by what I have learned from the job assignments so far. I believe in prioritising and taking corrective actions as and when necessary from my team. I always want to try new things and seek feedback only to improve myself.
Example 7
My definition of success is independent of the job requirements. I know I have succeeded when I have accomplished my goal, even if that means doing more than is asked. I am always open to any reviews or comments that will help me to improve and yes, I am always open to learning. I believe that a constant thirst for knowledge along with some passion for development is the formula for success.
Example 8
What Does Success Mean To You Interview
Success is very simple to me – I set up a goal, plan the steps required to achieve it, and then I implement that plan effectively. I attain success once I achieve my goals.
Example 9
To me, success means achieving a challenging goal assigned to me by my manager. It also means sharing those experiences with team members in order to inspire them as well. In my previous position, I had to meet specific sales targets every quarter. I managed to exceed my quarterly targets by 8 percent on an average with constant dedication and hard work. That, for me, was success. I was happy to mentor a junior team mate when he needed that little boost to excel. That is also success to me because the team spirit counts at the end of the day!
Example 10
Applying my expertise and experience to the strategic marketing goals that you have set for this company and building on the already existing success.
Example 11
Success to me means completing a given task on time and feeling happy about it, thinking I could not have done it better! This is not enough though - the results should be great and the people involved should have a memorable experience. For example, in a group project, if only two people out of four performed well, I will not call that success. On the contrary, if there is active participation in the team, where everyone took equal ownership, worked hard to meet the deadline, then that is success.
Things to remember while attempting to answer the question
Remember not to commit these mistakes while you are trying to answer the question, “What does success mean to you? Or, How do you define success?” You can consider the following:
- Do not beat about the bush. The hiring manager want to know about your qualities, tenacity etc. Just stick to what success means to you and what do you to achieve it.
- The idea is to remain calm, focused and to keep your answer short and crisp. Do not carry on with your answer.
- Do not try to over smart by saying that you perfectly measure up to your definition of success. This would be an insane answer.
- Be honest. That always helps.
- Do not focus on money and power. Think objectively and avoid focusing too much on salary figures and job position.
- You should be yourself while answering this question. Do not be dramatic.