Adding Site Search

If you are an author with a blog, promote your blog at, a quality, human-edited blog directory and search engine that offers both RSS and Javascript blog feeds. Be #1 on Google and Yahoo - These top rated web site promotion tools help you to get top 10 rankings on Google, Yahoo and other major search engines. Add custom search to your site Next: Verify your site in Search Console After you’ve created your custom search engine, it’s time to put it on your site so that visitors can use it.

You can use the Search bar on the New Tab page or you can search the Web from the address bar. You can also change your search settings in Firefox to add a separate Search bar next to the address bar.


Adding Your Site To Search Engines

Follow these steps to add a Search bar to your Firefox toolbar:

  1. Click the menu button and select ..
  2. Click Search on the left panel.
  3. Click Add search bar in toolbar.
  4. Close the about:preferences page. Any changes you've made will automatically be saved.

Adding Site Search Engine

Tip: Here's another way to add or remove the Search bar: Click the menu button , choose , drag the search bar into or out of the toolbar and then click . See Customize Firefox controls, buttons and toolbars for details.