Concrete tilt-up wall panels, tip up construction, concrete tilp-up construction, tiltup site cast concrete, RMCS tilt up formwork systems, Precast and Tilt-up Concrete Building systems, pre-cast systems, sitecast, panelware system. The slabs may also need additional concrete footing embedded in the soil, depending on the soil type, and are generally suited to Class M, Class H and Class E soils. Waffle raft slab (also known as a waffle pod slab) - These slabs are constructed entirely above the ground by pouring concrete over a grid of polystyrene blocks known as 'void forms'.
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- Solid Concrete in Perth, WA, 6000. Business contact details for Solid Concrete including phone number, reviews & map location - TrueLocal.
Our patents are being used by many unscrupulous companies without paying royalties. As we do not have the cash to fight these infringement and I am getting older we think the best way forward is to sell or lease the patents on a negotiated basis. For a litigator or an ethical company with deep pockets there is potentially a significant income stream. For further information please contact John Harrison on +61 413993911. |
Welcome to the global hub for the exciting new TecEco sustainable technologies including:
- Tec-Cement - A more durable cement for pre-mix concrete that greatly reduces shrinkage.
- Eco-Cement - Environmentally friendly cement that sets by absorbing CO2.
- Enviro-Cement - Superior cement for toxic and hazardous waste immobilisation.
- Tec-Kiln - A more efficient kiln for making making calcium and magnesium oxides used in Eco-Cements from their carbonates without releases.
We believe the future for civilisation involves anthropogenic sequestration whereby humans, mimicking nature learn how to profitably use their own wastes including CO2 in their every day activities such as building and construction.
TecEco's technologies are part of an ambitious yet uniquely profitable and politically acceptable solution to the problems of global warming, water and waste we call Gaia Engineering which is a tececology that can save civilisation as we know it on our planet by changing materials flows and thus underlying damaging moleconomic flows resulting in carbon dioxide and other wastes becoming resources.
Gaia Engineering involves technical change rather than politically unacceptable carbon constraint and starts with a process to sequester carbon dioxide using the magnesium and to some extent calcium contained in bitterns, seawater or brine. To date there are many candidate methods that all require further research and development including a process similar to the Solvay process for making carbonate, the Greensols process which involves chemical precipitation, a pyrohydrolysis process that can be run in association with salt manufacture, an ultra high speed centrifuge process and biomimetic processes.
The solution to our problems with carbon dioxide and other wastes is to invent technical paradigms that convert them to resources. Resource use is driven by markets and by creating a market for man made carbonate TecEco will provide essential economic drivers.
Our Mission
To solve global environmental problems including excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the waste and water crisis.
Humans are too many and our influence too great. We must therefore accept our role of maintaining “spaceship earth” [1] as planetary engineers and find ways of maintaining the level of carbon dioxide, oxygen and other gases in the atmosphere at desirable levels.
Our technical world, the techno-sphere, is not a closed system and our take and waste impacts are disturbing the homeostasis of earth systems. As in natural ecological systems we must learn how to make our outputs our inputs and achieve balance.
We are hooked on fossil fuels and cannot possibly arrest the alarming increases in carbon dioxide currently occurring through efficiency, emissions reduction or sideways substitution by for example renewables alone. We believe that fundamental bottom up changes as required as well.
There is a good chance of preserving the future if we mimic nature by finding uses for carbon and other wastes that are profitable as a large number of people will as a consequence wish to engage. Building with anthropogenically created man made carbonate and wastes is politically acceptable, doable, invokes a market that is insatiable, large and indefinitely continuing.and most likely presents the only option we have for saving the planet from runaway global warming.
What our Peers Think About the Technology
The New Scientist Magazine were the first to herald the technology as a major breakthrough“There is a way to make our city streets as green as the Amazon Forest. Almost every aspect of the built environment from bridges to factories to tower blocks, and from roads to sea walls, could be turned into structures that soak up carbon dioxide – the main greenhouse gas behind global warming. All we need to do it is the change the way we make cement.” [2]
The Guardian, Toronto Star and numerous authors from prestigious universities around the world have likewise heralded the technology we seek to patent as an important new breakthrough. This acceptance has been echoed at learned institutions such as at Cambridge University where researchers had this to say in a recent paper.
“One area of research into partial cement replacements is the recently emerged family of reactive magnesia (MgO) cements. These cement formulations, developed and patented a few years ago by the Australian scientist John Harrison, (refs given) are blends of PC and reactive MgO in different proportions depending on the intended application, ranging from structural concrete to porous masonry units. They have been developed with strong emphasis on a range of sustainability advantages over PC and have received significant publicity including coverage in New Scientist and The Guardian.' [3]
29th of January 2009 - Capital Raising |
TecEco will pay a finders fee for successful capital raisings. Please contact the managing director re terms of engagement. |

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We apologise that we cannot answer all of the thousands of emails we receive from people interested in using TecEco technology. Until we are able to secure major funding this is just not possible. Our main mission is to convince governments and large companies that a long term solution to the global warming problem must involve a technical capacity to remove CO2 from the air profitably. If you are determined to use TecEco technology to build an exemplar or help us by providing research and development funds please contact us and we will endeavour to respond as soon as we can.
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[1] Pearce, F. (2002). 'Green Foundations.' New Scientist 175(2351): 39-40.
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[2] Liska, M. and A. Al-Tabbaa (2009). 'Ultra-green construction: reactive MgO masonry products.' Waste and Resource Management 162(4): 185-196.
[3] Richard Buckminster ('Bucky') Fuller (July 12[1], 1895 – July 1, 1983) was an American visionary, designer, architect, poet, author, and inventor. Fuller devoted his life to the question as to whether humanity had a chance to survive lastingly and successfully on planet Earth, and if so, how. Pursuing this lifelong experiment, Fuller wrote twenty-eight books, coining and popularising terms such as 'spaceship earth'. Perhaps Bucky was the first 'Planetary Engineer'.
C Mac Concrete Pty Ltd Home Page
We are constantly updating web pages, writing papers and preparing presentations as there is so much to communicate and so much misinformation to correct. We take responsibility in relation to some of this misinformation as we were wrong in the early stages about strength and the carbonates that form for example. Please be cautioned that we have since made many corrections. Our web pages have usually the most up to date and certainly much more authoritative about our cements than other sources. Also be cautioned that original papers and presentations have not be altered however there are most likely later versions on the same or a similar subject with more correct information. Please refer to and quote only more recent papers!
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