Frogs & Fish is Standards-based Fundamental Movement Skill game that is great for Pre-K, Kindergarten and Elementary school PE programs. It focuses on Hopping, Skipping, and Jumping. It can be played in a gym, a large classroom, or outdoors.
Climbing into bed – a great, calm way to finish any KS1 P.E. Try these cool down activities after your PE lessons and get children to understand the importance of cooling down. Once you have tried all of the above, try making your own cool down games! This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. Tes Global Ltd is registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4HQ.
- After students have a engaged in strenuous physical exercise, cooling down is a necessary practice in PE class. Cool down activities will help students make the transition from constant movement to no movement at all. There are many cool down activities that a PE class can do to help make that transition.
- PE Warm up Games. OCTOPUS TAG One person stands in the middle of the boundary area; in our case it was the gym. The rest of the kids line up at an end of the bounds and when the tagger says go they all run to the other side of the bounds. Whoever the tag ger tags then has to stay and help him, except that the additional people that are tagged.
Quick Rules
Divide your playing area into three zones: a large area in the middle (the river), an endzone on one side of the river (the burrow) and an endzone on the other side of the river (the river bank).
On the river bank, place a large number of beanbags (flies).
On the river, place a variety of poly spots (lily pads).
Divide your class into three teams: toads, frogs and fish.
The toads and the frogs begin the game by standing in the burrow. The fish begin the game by standing in the river (not on any lily pads).
The goal of the game is for the toads and frogs to bring all of the flies from the river bank back to their burrow without being tagged by any fish. Toads and frogs may only carry one fly at a time, and toads must jump their way across the river while frogs must hop. Fish may simply run anywhere within the river.
If a toad or a frog becomes tagged by a fish, the tagged player switches roles (i.e. toads become frogs, frogs become toads) and must return to the burrow before resuming play. If a toad or a frog was tagged while carrying a fly, they must return the fly before heading to the burrow.
Toads and frogs are safe from fish when they are in the burrow, on a lily pad or on the river bank.
Build One: Toads and Frogs
Start the game off by dividing you class into two teams: toads and frogs. Have students get into a scattered formation within the playing area. On the teacher’s signal, students move about the playing area using their respective skill (i.e. toads jump and frogs hop). After a few minutes, have the teams switch roles and resume their movement.
Build Two: Food Flies
Divide the playing area into the three areas mentioned in the game rules above: the burrow, the river and the river bank. Place a large amount of beanbags on the river bank. Toads and frogs start in the burrow and must move across the river – jumping or hopping, depending on their role – to the river bank. Once there, they collect one fly and bring it back to their burrow. The game goes on until all of the flies are collected. Once that is done, return the flies to the river bank and have the teams switch roles.
Build Three: Lily Pads
Now place a variety of lily pads on the river. Toads and frogs can take a break from jumping or hopping by resting on a lily pad. For each colour lily pad that you use, assign a task. For example, orange lily pads require you to assume a balancing pose while you rest on them, blue lily pads require you to perform an exercise (e.g. air squat) while on them and green lily pads require you to stretch while on them. You can build this colours/tasks into the game one colour at a time.

Build Four: Hungry Fish
Now you can introduce the fish into the game and play the full version of Frogs & Fish as it is detailed in the rules above.
Grade Level Outcomes
S1.E1 (Hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping, leaping)
S1.E3 (Jumping & landing, horizontal)
S1.E7 (Balance)
Discussion Questions
What are the critical elements of mature hopping?
What are the critical elements of mature jumping (for distance)?
What are different balances we know that can be performed on a poly spot?
Cooldown Games Elementary P.e. Games To Play
What are different exercises we know that can be performed on a poly spot?
What are different stretches we know that can be performed on a poly spot?
Safety Information
Fish should use soft tags when tagging fleeing players (consider using foamies a.k.a. shortened pool noodles).
All players should keep their eyes up at all times.
Only one player may rest on a lily pad at a time.
Balances, exercises and stretches should all be vertical (i.e. no lying down on the floor) to avoid accidents.
Equipment Requirements
Playing area and boundary markers
Poly Spots
Foamies (optional)
NEW CATEGORY ADDED ABOVE –COVID-19 GAMES – Additional games and activities will be posted in more frequent posts – hope you enjoy the videos!
Cooldown Games Elementary P.e. Games Youtube
To complement the videos is a new ebook of50 COVID-FRIENDLY GAMESavailable at TpT – organized into an easy to access ebook to have on hand when needed!

PhysedGames is frequently updated with new ideas to try out. We also offer a couple book options (hardcopy and electronic) to add to your physical education library. These book options convert many of the best game videos into more portable text-based and electronic forms. PLEASE NOTE that all games are firstly and always available for FREE in the video viewing format. For those interested, take a look at the popularPHYSEDGAMES TOP 99PHYSEDGAMES TOP 99 (affiliate link) hardcopy book from Amazon or get top-ratedDigital File Downloads(PDFs) on Teachers Pay Teachers. A big THANK-YOU goes out to those who support PHYSEDGAMES!

The PE games you will find on this site are used by professional physical education teachers as part of successful programs in elementary gyms. This games library resource contains some of the best ideas for P.E. games and activities. Simply enjoy the quick and easy video descriptions to learn a new game for your physed class! Remember that children need a minimum of 90 minutes of quality exercise every day, so take a quick look at some games that will get them motivated and engaged to achieve that!
** Grade level specific categories are searchable: Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, and Grade 8 – browse through games that are appropriate for your grade level. HIGHSCHOOLS please note that most of the Grade 8 category games can be used and/or adapted for use at the highschool level – take a look and see what works! **

Looking for some classic physical education ideas? Looking for something new and unique? There are all types of games & activities ranging from sport-specific (soccer, baseball, basketball, volleyball, lead-ups, etc) to LOG’s, tag, warm-up, fitness, team-building, dodgeball, literacy, numeracy, etc. Hopefully you will find something here to help supplement your program. All of the games have been tried, tested, and proven to be fun and effective in getting students moving and enjoying learning skills in the gym.
If you have a favorite PE activity or game idea that you use in your own program and you’d like to share, please send a detailed email to us atphysedgames@gmail.comand we will do our best to create a video to add to the list.
Also check outCap’n Pete’samazing resources andThePhysicalEducatorfor many other great online physical education resources!