Final boss battles are an important part in any video game. They test your skills, standing as one last challenge before the game ends. The final boss in any given game is meant to present a sizable challenge while still ending the game in a satisfying way. However, this doesn’t always happen. Here are 14 worst final video game bosses of all time

- No lives left, and down to your final health bar, do you have what it takes to defeat THE FINAL BOSS?
- I definitely don't know which one is The Best; I'm having a hard time thinking of which one is my favorite. Mostly b/c my memory isn't great, but to be honest, the best end game scenarios are not always boss fights.
Final Bosswatermelon Gaming Games

(Dec 31, 2019) Anonymous said: DONT READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU'VE STARTED READING, DONT STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. Say your mum's name 5 times and your. The Metal Gear Solid series is known for its overblown boss encounters but the final battle on top of a gigantic submarine over-eggs the pudding even by creator Hideo Kojima’s curious standards.
Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
Final Bosswatermelon Gaming Game
Joker – Batman Arkham Asylum
The Joker is one of the most memorable villains in history. But when Rocksteady pits you against the maniacal clown at the end of Arkham Asylum, they messed up in a spectacular fashion. The battle between the Joker and Batman has always been one of wits, but this particular fight throws all that away. Joker injects himself with some of Bane’s toxin and suddenly bulks up, grows claws, and gains a spikey green Mohawk. He then proceeds to sick hoards of his minions as Batman, occasionally jumping gin to throw his own punches. After the amazing journey that was the first Arkham game, this boss fight was lackluster and went against everything that has been established about the iconic Joker character.