COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Reagan Academy is a K-8 public charter school. Our vision is to instill in each child a lifelong love of learning and serving by challenging their mind and nurturing their heart. BUILD an excellent academic foundation for all students. is especially concerned with children who access and use this website. does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen. If (or any other website operator) collects personal information from children under the age of thirteen, we must first obtain parental. Ronald Reagan, 40th president of the United States (1981–89), noted for his conservative Republicanism, his fervent anticommunism, and his appealing personal style. The only movie actor ever to become president, he had a remarkable skill as an orator that earned him the title ‘the Great Communicator.’.
Previously scheduled workshops to be held at Region 10 are now being conducted virtually.
Region 10 is continuing to serve educators through remote means as they have been since March 2020.
Please call the Center at 972-348-1700.
All PD Sessions are conducted virtually unless otherwise stated.
Online Course2020-2021 COVID 19
Mcasmr. Regan's Educational Website Examples
The Reagan Diaries, edited by Douglas Brinkley and released in 2007, provides some answers. The first mention of Biden in Reagan’s presidential diary comes on July 14, 1983. Gorbachev and Reagan signed the INF Treaty in December 1987 while the Soviet leader made a triumphant visit to Washington, D.C. Reagan's desire to lessen the chances of nuclear war and the revolutionary changes in Soviet policy at home and abroad—which by 1987 were beginning to spin out of Gorbachev's control—had resulted in a landmark.
Read More: 2020-2021 COVID 192020-21 Offerings and Services Catalog
Read More: 2020-21 Offerings and Services CatalogSpring 2021 Professional Development (Teaching & Learning)
Read More: Spring 2021 Professional Development (Teaching & Learning)

R10 Certification Programs
Read More: R10 Certification ProgramsFeb 1
Identifying and Reporting Sexual Abuse, Human Trafficking, and Other Maltreatment of Children
Read More: Identifying and Reporting Sexual Abuse, Human Trafficking, and Other Maltreatment of ChildrenFeb 1World Languages: Designing for Differentiation
Read More: World Languages: Designing for DifferentiationFeb 8VI: Visually Impaired Services Events: New Teacher Series 301
Read More: VI: Visually Impaired Services Events: New Teacher Series 301Feb 9Behavior A Playbook For Igniting Sparks: An Essential SEL Component for Parents and Teachers
Read More: Behavior A Playbook For Igniting Sparks: An Essential SEL Component for Parents and TeachersFeb 9Transforming Stigma Into Strength - Presenter Mike Veny
Read More: Transforming Stigma Into Strength - Presenter Mike VenyFeb 11It's Not all Rainbows and Unicorns: Why Being Gifted isn't always a Gift
Read More: It's Not all Rainbows and Unicorns: Why Being Gifted isn't always a GiftFeb 15EISO - Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes (SB-1566)
Mcasmr. Regan's Educational Websites
Read More: EISO - Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes (SB-1566)Feb 23CCMR Conference: The Game of Life... Building Paths to the Future
Read More: CCMR Conference: The Game of Life... Building Paths to the FutureMar 22