The Evansville Speedsters support to promote the sport of track and field and cross country among the youth of Evansville and the surrounding area.

Cross Country Season - Oct - Dec
Cross Country starts October 15th at 5:30pm and ends Nov. 21st
Practices will be Tuesday & Thursday at 5:30pm and Saturday at 9:30am all practices at State Hospital.
Address: 3400 Lincoln Ave, Evansville, IN 47714
Level 1- $25 returning members
& $45 new members.
Level 2- $65 returning members
& $80 new members.
Also USATF runners need to apply
for $20 USATF membership number:
Cross Country Meets
Meets - Date - Place - Check In - Start
Local Meet - Nov. 2nd - State Hospital - 9:30am - 10am
USATF State - Nov. 9th - Columbus, IN -
USATF Regionals - Nov. 24th - Nashville, IN -
USATF National - Dec. 14th - Madison, Wisconsin -
Track Season - June - July
We offer summer memberships that include daily practices and 4 local meets. We also travel to other meets during the season. You can email Bobby Lewis (lewis.bobby@sbcglobal.net)for meet schedule of the away meets during the season.
2019 Track Away Schedule:
State Meet - June 15-16 Muncie,Indiana Ball State College
Regional Meet - July 13-14 Joliet, Illinois
National Meet - July 22-28 Sacramento, California
Track Practices:
June and July,
Mon, Wed, Fri at 5:30pm at Harrison High School Track
Address: 211 Fielding Rd, Evansville, IN 47715

Quest Diagnostics empowers people to take action to improve health outcomes. Derived from the world's largest database of clinical lab results, our diagnostic insights reveal new avenues to identify and treat disease, inspire healthy behaviors and improve health care management. Guests are allowed to view but NOT to post or respond. If you wish to post new topics or respond to existing topics please Sign Up - it's FREE! Antique Automobile Club of America membership is not required, but encouraged. Official SPeedsters This is an independent project created for entertainment purposes. The photos aren't from the game, but the characters in the photos are present in the game.
Local meet dates.
June 20 & 27
July 11 & 18
Track Opens at 5:15pm
Meets start at 6:00pm

Indoor Track Season - Nov-Feb
Indoor workouts will start
Saturday November 3rd at 9:00am to 10:00am
at UE indoor recreation facility
cost is $25 one time fee.
Cabriolet, 1994
- delivery status
- excellent overall condition

Question Official Speedsters Logo
A vehicle rarely reflects the zeitgeist of the early 90s in a more stylish and exclusive way than a Strosek Mega Speedster.
The internationally renowned industrial designer Vittorio Strosek - under whose leadership Strosek had probably the broadest range of aerodynamic components for Porsche sports cars between 1982 and 2004 - dedicated his work primarily to sharpening the vehicle design. He usually left motor optimization or tuning in the traditional sense to other providers. The organic design and the reduction in the frontal area associated with the Mega Speedster model not only show the signature of his teacher Luigi Colani, but also underline the pleasing Porsche curves so skilfully that the remarkable increase in vehicle width is hardly noticeable. Rather, the overall composition of the car looks much more powerful than the original product, but without being intrusive.
Question Official Speedsters Free
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