Three Priorities For Your Productive Home Office

Designing a Home Office for Productivity With so many of our clients and friends working from home these days, good home office design will prove to be critical for productivity. As a custom home builder, we sit down with our clients as they begin the process of designing their custom home and we talk through their priorities for the final product. Your morning commute to the office prepared you for your morning routine right from waking to getting ready for the upcoming workday. So you have a schedule and organized routine, which needs to be adapted to the new home office routine. At home, initially, the transition from your bed to your desk in a short span of time can be problematic.

As you’ve always heard, working from home is awesome. Nevertheless, in a recent article, How Working From Home Can Kill Your Productivity (+ How to Fix It) by Choncé Maddox says that working from home can bring a slew of distractions and actually destroy your productivity. Thus, you need to understand the barriers that can impede your productivity so you can beat them immediately.

The following factors can destroy your productivity with corresponding tips to fix them.

Three priorities for your productive home office phone number
  1. No Fixed Schedule

While working from home can be very liberating, yet too much liberty can cause mismanagement of time that you feel you can work anytime whenever you want—you don’t have a strict schedule to follow which can ruin productivity.

Three Priorities For Your Productive Home Office

Determine what is the best time for you to work and stick to it. Pretend that you’re working in an office space in United States and you need to clock in on time so that you can get all your work done and stay productive.

  1. Countless Distractions

Three Priorities For Your Productive Home Office Phone Number

The distractions when you work from home can be countless from social media, text messages, down to household and personal chores. The distractions are constant on any given day while working from home.


Dedicate an office space in your home and let everyone in the house assume that you’re not around until the end of your working hours Also create a set of rules to follow to promote work discipline.

  1. Lack of Clear Priorities

In the traditional workplace, your boss or leader often structures the work day and decided what you will do and when. But when you are working from home, sometimes you feel you’re just spinning your wheels and had no idea which tasks to work on during the day. Having no clear priorities on what to do can ruin your productivity and cause you to fail at meeting certain goals.

Set specific goals at the beginning of each day and determine the action steps you need to take to reach these goals, then rank them in order of importance. You are solely responsible for doing work and getting certain results, so you need to narrow down priorities and organize your workflow.


Working from home offers autonomy, but it requires strict schedule, dedicated home office and clear priorities to stay productive. Nevertheless, working from home can be lonesome, so if you need space to work outside of your home in Orlando once in a while, YourOffice Orlando offers you a wide choice of office and workspace solutions: virtual office space Orlando, meeting room access, and coworking office space Orlando. You’ll have access to a complete array of office support and concierge services as well as state-of-the-art business technology.

Three Priorities For Your Productive Home Office Organizing

Are you working from home? What factors affect your productivity and how you cope with them? Feel free to share your story. You can also visit us on Facebook and Twitter.